Thursday 6 June 2024

London Elektricity - Building Better Worlds (2019)

We've made it to the final album I'll be reviewing which is the most recent album from London Elektricity. 

It came out just months before covid happened. One thing which came out of covid was the 90s rave podcast on YouTube which was started because of lockdown. Over time they decided to drop the 90s part of it and make it a podcast for all things rave. Perhaps the interview that was most evident of this was the one with London Elektricity.

Whilst he had been around in the 90s, his heyday was very much the 21st century and it could be argued that Hospital Records is still bigger than ever. As a result do you make a record for grumpy old men like me who will most likely consider it not as good as the older stuff or do you make a record for the kids who are all about now?

London Elektricity has picked the latter and as a result I don't think much of the album. Just looking at how many of the tracks have vocalists is a red flag. OK I've never heard of any of them so it's probably not just using names to sell records. It does however very much sound like an album meant to sell to the masses rather than the purists. Nothing wrong with that of course, how many other 60 somethings are still making a lucrative career from making drum & bass?

It just isn't my cup of tea. A sad way to end this series given how many of these newer albums I liked but there were bound to be some albums I wouldn't like and the last one happened to be one of those.

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