Thursday 6 June 2024

2006: The End? - November

At the start of 2005 I would have described my music taste as dance, rap and R&B. As we've gone through the months we've had several decent records from all 3 genres, mostly dance. This month though there are no records in any of these genres which get full marks. 

Dance wise there are just 3 records. Bodyrox & Luciana get half marks with "Yeah Yeah", a decent enough tune but the irritating vocals downgrades it. Fedde Le Grande gets no marks for "Put Your Hands Up For Detroit" which gives a bit of a taste for the EDM era. Then there's Infernal with their euro cheese version of "Self Control" getting no marks.

In the rap and R&B world it's just four records. Not a fan of "Smack That" by Akon & Eminem, never been a fan of The Game and "It's Okay" does nothing to convince me otherwise. Taio Cruz makes his Top 40 debut, a singer who's very much after my time. Then there's the god awful Rihanna. All records get zero.

The best record is a novelty one. Tenacious D were back with "POD" and it's just what you expect from them. It was from a movie about them which was out at the same time and I watched the movie too.

Depeche Mode have yet another Top 40 hit with "Martyr". Once again it's not as good as their older material but still good enough for full marks.

The final record to get full marks comes from the most unlikely of groups, Take That. It was their comeback single "Patience" and at the time I was surprised how good it was. They seemed to have left their cheesy boy band image behind and done a proper song.

Former Take That member Robbie Williams had a hit with "Lovelight", from the era he was slated by many but I didn't mind. Jamiroquai had a hit with "Runaway", not bad but not classic Jamiroquai.

This just leaves the worst song which was actually not a difficult choice because it was so bad I couldn't listen to the whole song. That record is "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera.

Here's a list of the records with the best on top, worst at the bottom and the good ones in green, OK ones in amber and rubbish ones in red (and in no particular order):

Score: 11%

Here's a look at the chart:

An improvement on October which isn't difficult, but still low enough to be worse than any months in 2005.

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