Sunday 22 October 2023

Top 30 in 1993 Reviewed: Week 43

Here's my weekly look at the Top 30 from 30 years ago. The plan is for these posts to go out at 17:30 on a Sunday.

Here is the Top 40 in full.

Obviously some of the records will be the same as last week so therefore the review will be the same for these. I've indicated which ones are new so you can skip the others if you read last weeks post.

Once again my opinions are inevitably going to differ from other people, but I'm not trying to convince anyone something is good or rubbish, I'm simply giving my opinion.

So this is the top 30 from this week in 1993 with my verdict on each record:

This is the opening track to the "Keep the Faith" album which I'd listened to a lot over the summer. By this point though I can't remember whether I'd gone off Bon Jovi or not. That doesn't really matter though because it's what I think of it now that counts and I like it.

Verdict - Good

At the time there was someone who put forward the controversial opinion that The Lemonheads were better than Nirvana. I said don't be stupid, but who was I kidding. This song is miles better than any Nirvana song I've heard. 

Verdict - Good

I remember this one very well. The first thing that springs to mind is poundland Stereo MC's. Then I read up about Stakka Bo and this song and the comparisons with Stereo MC's are being made. Stakka Bo is Swedish so I assumed this was one from the Denniz Pop production line, but it isn't. Might as well be though.

Verdict - Rubbish

This was the only Top 40 hit for Goodmen, but they would return to the charts as Chocolate Puma, Rhythm Killaz and Riva. It's not very tuneful, but that's all part of it's appeal. 

Verdict - Good

A few years before Public Enemy sampled "For What It's Worth" Buffalo Springfield on "He Got Game" Oui 3 sampled/covered the same record. The chorus is the same but the verses are rapped. This was the first version I ever heard of this record and its one I've always liked. It was the first of 3 Top 40 hits for Oui 3.

Verdict - Good

I don't think I've heard this record since 1993 and listening to it again it's not quite how I remember it, the main hooks sounds right but I remember it having more of a rock sounding backing track. Still, it has a good flow to it and quite pleasant to listen to after all these years. It was the one and only Top 40 hit for Lena Fiagbe, maybe best kept that way.

Verdict - Good

Julia is the name of Chris Rea's daughter and this song was written about her. Nothing wrong with that, but I can't help but find the song a bit cringeworthy. It's quite upbeat but not particularly catchy. Let's just say I won't be in a hurry to listen to it again.

Verdict - Rubbish

This was the follow up to "Jump Around". I would hazard a guess most people don't know any House of Pain records other than "Jump Around", but I do. The fact I have the album helps somewhat. Both are solid efforts and good to hear their other material.

Verdict - Good Good

We've reached the end of the first Bruce Dickinson era of Iron Maiden with this live version of a song that's was over a decade old. The rock crowd at school tended to not like Iron Maiden because they were too old. These days though my test of whether an Iron Maiden song is any good is how fast it is. It takes a while to get going, but once it gets fast it's good.

Verdict - Good

A few years after this came out I was flicking through the music channels and saw this video playing and it brought back memories of how I liked this record, but I couldn't remember what it was. It was being played on "The Lick" so didn't say what it was at the end of the video, but I eventually found out. The chants of "SWV" should have given it away, which was being done by a then unknown Pharrell Williams. 

Verdict - Good

20. Diana Ross - Chain Reaction

For the first time in almost 4 years I cannot find a song on YouTube or anywhere on the internet to review. I can find the original version, but not the 1993 remix which Wikipedia describes as being largely instrumental. I have no memory of the remix existing either so I can't say whether I like it or not.

Verdict - Unknown

I think this was the last Pet Shop Boys record I admitted to liking at the time. I remember the rules that the rock crowd weren't supposed to like pop music but a small number of exceptions were allowed and this was one of those for me. It wouldn't be long before even a small number of exceptions wasn't acceptable.

Verdict - Good

Cat here is Cat from Red Dwarf. Therefore with this being a record sung by a character on a comedy show you would expect it to be cheesy and crap, but that is the point. That's exactly what this record is.

Verdict - Rubbish

This is one of those records which was pretty big at the time but never gets played anymore. I don't think I've heard this since 1993. It bears a vague similarity to "Baby Baby" by Amy Grant which means I can't help but think this isn't as good. Not a bad record though.

Verdict - OK

I remember when this record came out it created a divide at school between the rock crowd and everyone else. It was singled out as an example of a crappy pop record by the rock crowd but everybody else seemingly loved it. Putting all that aside, my first thought when hearing this was have Snap changed their name to Culture Beat. 

Verdict - Rubbish

Lisa Stansfield is doing her song again. OK not all Lisa Stansfield songs are bad, but she's had far too many bland slow and boring singles like this one. Fortunately she won't feature again until 1997 with one I actually like.

Verdict - Rubbish

I was taking guitar lessons around this time and amongst the tablature in one of the books I had was pictures of iconic guitarists such as Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton. One picture I did find quite strange though was Prince who was never someone I really thought of as a guitarist let alone an iconic one. Then he released this very guitar driven record. Of course I now know how good a guitarist Prince was. This has a decent riff to it, but doesn't quite have enough about it for me to truly like it.

Verdict - OK

After this topped the charts in 1984 and spent nearly the entire year in the charts you would have thought anyone who wanted this record would have already bought it. Seemingly not as this re-issue made the Top 10. I've heard it far too much in my life to truly like it, but I don't dislike it at the same time.

Verdict - OK

I never liked Bjork at the time and always questioned who exactly listens to her music. As time has gone on though some of her records have grown on me with this being one of them. I'd say the fact it has a very strong backing track helps a lot.

Verdict - Good

INXS were my 2nd favourite band at the start of the year, but by this point they had taken a slide down the rankings. I'm sure I still liked this record at the time because it was INXS, but it isn't their best. Not bad, but pretty average. Believe it or not, this was their joint 2nd highest charting single.

Verdict - OK

One of the things that's surprised me when doing these posts was how many Top 40 hits Dina Carroll had before "Don't Be A Stranger". This was her 8th of 14 Top 40 hits. It's no doubt her signature song, something she probably won't be happy about because it's one she didn't write. I wonder whether the success of this song dictated that she wouldn't write any of her remaining Top 40 hits after this. Anyway I couldn't stand this record at the time, too slow and boring. I can't say I've really changed my mind to be honest.

Verdict - Rubbish

I just assumed most people only remember Haddaway for "What Is Love" but 16 million views of this follow up hit on YouTube suggests otherwise. I'm not completely anti-Eurodance, there are a handful of records I like but most of it is dreadful and this is one of those.

Verdict - Rubbish

We're now into the "Music For the Jilted Generation" era of The Prodigy. This lead single isn't hugely different from the "Experience" era, but at the same time it is a mark of the fact the chart era for rave music is now in the past. We're being eased into the next era of The Prodigy.

Verdict - Good

I absolutely hated this record at the time. Along with "Mr. Vain" by Culturebeat I had it down as the ultimate shit record. I've heard worse, but it's exactly the sort of eurodance music that I consider to be a bit crap.

Verdict - Rubbish

I remember this record being on the list of non-rock music records I secretly liked at the time. As I'm going through the weeks I'm finding I like a lot of the reggae pop records that were coming out in 1993. 

Verdict - Good

The biggest hit for M People which also made the charts in America. I would also say this is the most pop record they'd made to this point as well. They knew what they were doing making records like this, but it's not for me.

Verdict - Rubbish

The Top 40 debut for Eternal. I remember when this came out my assessment of it was poundland SWV. I don't think I knew at the time that SWV were American and Eternal were British, but on reflection this is a prime example of how British acts don't do R&B as well as their American counterparts.

Verdict - Rubbish

I couldn't stand this record at the time, it's always irritated me. Then when I started going out on a Saturday night I'd hear this every week which made me hate it even more. My drunken self down the students union would dance to all sorts of rubbish, but I'd always leave the dancefloor when this came on.

Verdict - Rubbish

There was no avoiding Take That when this came out. They could release any old rubbish safe in the knowledge it would probably go to number one and they achieved that with this one. 

Verdict - Rubbish

Meat Loaf had been in the wilderness for several years before this and his previous big hits were before my music memories so I wasn't familiar with his music at the time, I'd just heard the name. At the same time someone at school was a Meat Loaf fan and would say he was heavy metal. I was therefore excited to finally hear a Meat Loaf song, but heavy metal it's certainly not. That disappointment along with the fact it goes on forever and is just ridiculously over the top means I've never liked it. 

Verdict - Rubbish

If we give the records which were good 1 point each and those which were OK half a point, the final score is 14/29, or 48% (Diana Ross has been excluded). Just a slight drop on last week.

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