Friday, 21 February 2025

Dutch Top 40 1995: Week 8

These were the new entries in the Dutch Top 40 that never made the UK Top 40:

Clouseau - Laat Me Nu Toch Niet Alleen

Clouseau are a Belgian band who record in Dutch, which no doubt helped them into the Dutch Top 40. They had recorded in English prior to this but that never lead to a UK Top 40 hit. It's a pretty non-descript ballad that sounds like it might start at some point, but it never does. They will be back with an even bigger hit later on in the year

DJ BoBo - Love Is All Around

In my Chemistry class I sat next to a fellow raver. One day he came in with a list of DJs and MCs which he passed to me and others asking if we could think of anyone else to add to the list before it got confiscated by the teacher. I thought he was making some of them up, but it turned out some did really exist. One of those was DJ BoBo, though he's not what you would describe as being rave. He's a Eurodance vocalist who comes from Switzerland where he has enjoyed great chart success including some number ones. In the UK he managed a solitary minor Top 40 hit in 2003 with "Chihuahua".

Juliane Werding, Maggie Reilly & Viktor Lazlo - Engel Wie Du

Here we have a German singer, Scottish singer and French singer all singing in their respective languages. This means unless you can speak German, English and French then there will be bits of the song you won't understand. Maggie Reilly had charted in the UK as vocalist on "Moonlight Shadow" by Mike Oldfield, the other two haven't ever made the UK Top 40.

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