Friday, 28 February 2025

25 Years Since....February 2000

We found that most of the records I was enjoying in January 2000 were ones I was more enjoying in 1999. How about February then?

Byron Stingily - That's The Way Love Is

We begin with a record that first charted in 1989. The artist was Ten City whose singer was Byron Stingily and here he is as a solo artist covering his own record. It's not as pointless as it sounds on paper though. Dance music had evolved so much over the years, the idea of the original record did blend in with the music being made in the year 2000 but needed modern production standards for it to blend in with an upfront set.

CRW - I Feel Love

Now we have a tune from 1998 that didn't hit the Top 40 until the year 2000. It was from the "Kevin and Perry Go Large" film. I must confess I never watched the film, I'm not much of a film person. I did however love those sketches on the "Harry Enfield and Chums" show particularly being a teenager myself at the time.

Baby Bumps - I Got This Feeling

Dance music was so big around this time that we had the inevitable cheese that goes with any music genre enjoying a surge in popularity. Sometimes the cheese that comes with it is actually quite good and this is an example of this.

Scanty Sandwich - Because Of You

Another of those records which tells me that the 21st century has arrived, but from the perspective of looking forward to what the 21st century has to offer. This was on Southern Fried records, Fatboy Slims record label and sounds like it could just as easily be a Fatboy Slim record.

Air - Playground Love

One of my favourite albums of all time is "Moon Safari" by Air. The only way I think the album could have been better is by having "Playground Love" on it. Instead it's on the soundtrack to "The Virgin Suicides" which is basically an Air album in itself which I own. I like the music so much that I decided to watch the film. This is one of the best chill out records ever.

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