Monday, 27 January 2025

UK Number 40s: Daft Punk - Technologic (2005)


Daft Punk made quite an impact when they first hit the Top 40 with "Da Funk" in 1997. The follow up was "Around The World" was even bigger and their debut album "Homework" was bought by many.

Then in 2000 they made an even bigger impact with comeback single "One More Time" which is no doubt being played on a dancefloor somewhere whilst you read this. After the success of the "Discovery" album in 2001 many waited in anticipation of what they would do next.

It took a while, but when they did return in 2005 it was pretty low key. Dance music had declined in popularity and people were more likely to be listening to guitar music. Daft Punk reacted to this be releasing the rock inspired album "Human After All". 

It spawned 2 Top 40 hits, "Robot Rock" which made number 32 and then this single. Following this it looked like their Top 40 career was finished but then in 2013 they came back and topped the charts with "Get Lucky".

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