Sunday 21 February 2016

Mark Summers - Summers Magic

One topic that's often been debated across internet forums over the years was an article from Mixmag in 1992 titled "Did Charly Kill Rave?"

The article was basically saying that when The Prodigy released Charly in August 1991, it opened up the door for other rave tunes which sampled children's programming such as Sesame's Treet and A Trip to Trumpton, therefore alienating the original ravers whilst everyone else started to see rave music as a bit of a joke.

However, in January of 1991 some 7 months before Charly was released, Mark Summers released Summers Magic which sampled the Magic Roundabout. Whilst not as commercially successful as Charly (it reached number 27 whereas Charly reached number 3) this was really the tune which got the ball rolling for what Mixmag would call Toytown Techno. According to Wikipedia, when Charly was being played at raves prior to it's release, people actually thought it was a Mark Summers tune.

Although this was the only Mark Summers top 40 hit, he did have further chart success in 1996 with Inferno under the alias of Souvlaki and with Just Playin as part of JT Playaz. These days though, instead of sampling tunes he replays the samples, something he has done for several other artists such as replaying Boney M's Gotta Go Home for Duck Sauce - Barbra Streisand.

Its now been 25 years since Summers Magic was in the charts and whilst it may be low on the credibility scale, its a lot of fun to listen to.

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